Ok, so the beginning of 2011 sucked big fat donkey balls. But,
lo and behold, it's lookin' up!
I got a job as a
Service Coordinator. It's close to home and it sounds like something that will be challenging, rewarding, and not boring. As far as I can tell, each day will be different. My responsibilities are varied which will keep me on my toes. Plus, if I plan to one day go into some sort of Healthcare Management business, this is a good place to start I think. I sent in my resume on a Tuesday and by Thursday I was hired. There was one person who was more qualified (but not near as charming) but she turned the position down. So I got it. I was a little disappointed to learn that I wasn't the winner, but the runner up. In the end tho, I guess all that matters is I got the job. It involves filling out forms and going to meetings and coordinating events. And, when I went in on Friday for some training, I got this fancy leather bound calendar book. I mean, come on people!!! If you know anything about me then you know that alone made the job exciting to me!!! And, I'll have my own office! I'm so excited to get in there and make it my little home away from home.
Is there more? Um...today I start on my no junk food, no soda, try to eat healthier, lifestyle. For several reasons. One, I just don't feel comfie the way I am. Don't get me wrong, I'm a confident curvy girl, but I think my quality of life in general will improve greatly if I lose a few pounds. Secondly, I have an appointment with Walter coming up, and I don't want to disappoint him. :) And finally, I want to clothes shop! And, if you ever shop for chubby chic clothes, then you know, for some reason the people who make the clothes for chubby chics, think we only wear stuff that's been bedazzled. WTF? Really. Even if you're a skinny chic, wander over to the fat girl section and look at the array of bedazzled bounty from which we curvy girls have to choose. Oy. And of course, summer is coming up and that's inspiring.
Almost time to start the garden, too! Yay!
So yeah, things are looking up. I'm going to be 39 years old in a few days. I'm not fond of the number 39. But, I'm ok with the age. Is it weird that I'm looking forward to being 40?
And, that's all I got for now folks.