Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Old Chick.

I'm not the oldest person in my math class.  That makes me happy. 

Of course, me being me, I asked the old chick to dinner.  :)  (I say old chick because she's older than my "usual".  She's 41.) 

So last night we went to dinner.

It was nice.  There was no awkwardness at all.  There was never a void or an empty space in the dinner.  She's a happy girl.  She's not Emo.  Not once did she say anything refreshing, right?

I liked it that she did the ordering.  Well, she ordered the appetizer and the dessert for us to share.  And, of course, if you know me, I love that.  She made the decisions.  It was such a nice change of pace.

She has a boyfriend and at this point I have no clue if she's bi or not.   But, I don't have to date her to be her friend.  Wow, I'm growing up huh?

Don't get me wrong, of course I would date her.  But I didn't see her and go "omg I have to have her".  I mean she certainly isn't Skye.  (DAMN kissing Skye was absolutely awesome though...I think she's in town for the holidays too.....wait, stop, don't go there!)  She is just...nice.  Maybe I just usually attract people who are emo?  I dunno.

So anyway, it was good.  It's not a crazy infatuation (like it usually is with me), it's a calm happy thing.  Yay me.

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