Sunday, September 26, 2010


I always come here to write and then I start reading other people's blogs and by then I'm too tired to write.

So here are tonights Hi Lites.

1.  I have this icky feeling in my...I want to say soul....just a bad feeling.  It was so bad last night that I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. 

2.  I think I've become much less tolerant of Magnum.  To some that might be a bad thing, to some a good thing.

3.  JDRW + school is NEVER going to make it to my top favorite things list.  But he does seem to love it.   (There's a whole blog that could go here, but I don't want to get into it.)

4.  There was a wedding yesterday.  The bride was seriously the most beautiful bride I've ever seen.  She just had a glow about her...she looked so completely content. 

5.  I'm feeling a little left out.  I feel like I'm on the outside looking in.  It kinda sucks.

6.  JDRW is now a wee lil soccer player.  Mucholove.  And the best part for me, is he loves it.  He gets so excited.  He got to be goalie the other day (which at this level means stand somewhere near the goal and keep your hands out of your shorts...and stop dancing...why is he dancing...dude...what IS he doing?)  but he was sooo excited to be goalie!  :) 

7.  School is good.  Easy.  I don't know how I can sit here and say that, and maybe I'll change my mind tomorrow...but for right's good.

8.  On Wednesday I'm having oral surgery.  Fuck me.  But I'll get good drugs AND an excuse to sit on my ass and let everyone else take care of me for a minute.  (That's about how long it will last.)

And, now, I'm going to bed.  It's almost midnight and it's been an extremely HUGE weekend and I'm excited to start a fresh week.

Friday, September 17, 2010


I would rather give birth...I would rather squeeze a human out of my fucking vagina...then have a bee sting my finger.  FUCK.

I get out of the car and am innocently walking up the steps....and bam...I'm fucking attacked by a bee.  It literally knocked me out of commision for the rest of the day.  I don't think I have ever in my life experienced that kind of pain.  It burned for 3 hours ( a when you accidentally touch the racks in the oven), with NO relief at stopped throbbing and burning so it just feels like it got slammed with a hammer.  Unless I touch it of course.  Or bend it.  Even typing gives it a little pinge.  But if I bend too much or touch, it burns and throbs so bad it's not even funny. 

Magnum's looking at me like I'm a moron or a big sissy.  But you know what dude...unless you've had menstral cramps or squeezed a human out of your dick, you can't judge me. 

I have to quit typing now because my finger's starting to throb. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I've been in a tornado for 2 weeks.  Holy Crow. 

I went from having a fairly simple day job with plenty of down time and suddenly having 2 jobs, being a full time student, and having a kid in 11th grade and a kid in kindergarten...all within the past two weeks.  Don't get me wrong, I love it.  But my body hurts.  :) 

I'm having one of those Wow moments.  Because my whole life I've never really known what I wanted to be when I grew up.  And now I do.  I'm still going to pursue my teaching degree...just to have it.  But my new job...THAT is it.  It fits me so well.  I love it. 

JDRW is doing awesome in kindergarten.   On Friday I packed his lunch which included an apple.  :)  As I was packing it, he said, "I can give that to my teacher."  I was like, um, but it's part of your lunch, why don't you eat this one and we'll buy your teacher one later.  He said ok, and that was that.  When he came home he had a note from his teacher that said "Thank you for the yummy apple."  The little shit!!!  How cute is that tho?  I know I've never said anything to him about bringing his teacher an apple?  He did it all on his own.  Little charmer.  :)

It's autumn!  :)  I bought a pumpkin yesterday.  YAY!!!!!!  In a few days our front yard will be completely covered in leaves.   And it'll smell so good!  I'm making chicken noodle soup today...what a wonderful time of year.

For the record, I HATE my hair.  I need it to grow out already.  I feel like an old person.  I have old person hair.  I want to have funky cute girl hair.  But I don't.  Not even close.

And, that's all the time I have for now.  I have home work  to do, and reports to write for work, and I'm sure there's something around her that needs cleaning and any second now JDRW is going to request toast and chocolate milk (I swear as I was typing that sentence he said, "I want breakfast."  Haha.). 

So, have a good day kiddos...and...if you know of any cute cozy snuggly chics...give them my number...because it's snuggle weather and I'm missin' it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song

If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,

Threatening the life it belongs to

And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd

Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud

And I know that you'll use them, however you want to

~Anna Nalick, Breathe
Of course I'm not writing a song, I'm writing a blog.  :)  I woke up about an hour ago, because it's storming out.  Then I couldn't get back to sleep.  The air is heavy in the house, so I went around opening windows.  But, I just got attacked by a moth (which people around here call Millers??) so I'm gonna go shut the windows soon.
I also remembered about an hour ago, that I forgot to eat dinner.  So, now, I'm hungry.  And what doth one eat at 2:48am, just 29 or so hours before JDRW toddles onto the big yellow bus that will take him away, into a new world? 
I wrote, a blog on paper (what???) while I was in class tonight.  It was a fun class.  I feel silly trying to talk Italian properly.  Plus, I can not roll my R's.  I can't.  It doesn't work.  My tongue is broken.  (Or maybe just dead from lack of use.)  I'll post the handwritten blog sometime later this week.  Magnum mentioned "maybe your instructor will be dreamy".  Yes, he said dreamy...because of course, we saw Eat, Pray, Love.   However, there's nothing dreamy about him.  He looks a wee bit like this guy.  :)
I just laughed outloud at the fact that I chose the name "Magnum" to represent my husband.  Ha.  If you currently know what I'm "doing", you'll understand why that's funny.  (At least most of you will.  Other's of you might have a Joey moment...and for you Ney...I say...wait for it...wait for it...There it is!)
I'm gonna miss my first art class tonight.  What a way to start the sememster?  But, my new job beckons, and I must answer the call.  :) 
Ok, that's all for now. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Wow.  :)  So I went to the college today to turn in my residency certificate and to go to the bookstore before my class tonight at 6.  It was sooooo crazy there today.  But I will say this...I will NEVER go back to the other school, ever ever again.  I love the new school.  Love.  They are just so freakin' nice.  I love them. 

Anyway, the point is, it was so crazy there today I was there for like 3 hours, and still didn't get my books because the bookstore line was wrapped around and down a hallway.  But I did get my student ID (and in true ME fashion I look like a Serial Killer Owl), and I got all of my financial aide squared away.  I bought a few things from the bookstore, like binders & pens and a flash drive.  I love going to school.  :)  And, I think, if the new job goes well, I can quit doing what I'm currently doing and do the new job full time!  Which would mean I could take classes during the day, and that would be heavenly.  I came home & ordered my books online to pick up when I get back over to the college for class tonight.  Funny, I was like, O, I have drawing class tonight...then I realized It's Tuesday Dork, not Monday, so you have Italiano.  Fun.  Oh and the new school is very ethnic...which I love.  The old school was a bunch of snotty white kids.  (I know, shut up.)  This should be fun!!!!

Speaking of the new job...holy crow.  I made more in one night at the new job then I make in 1/2 a week at my current job, without taking my clothes off!  :)  Haha, that makes it sound like I take my clothes off for my regular job...and I assure you, I do not.  But, that would probably better then my regular job...blah blah, I'm rambling...anyway......Magnum & I, working together in the new job, made more then I make in a week...for just two nights of work.

I won't even talk about JDRW going to school on Thursday.  Really...I get ill.  I mean, he's going to have to do things by himself.  Like open his Gogurt.  Or button his pants...what if the button is really hard?   Or what if he sits next to some kid who is gross when he eats and it makes JDRW gag?  (He gags at icky kids...which is funny, but might not be funny if he pukes on the kid.)

I wonder if Walter would give me something for anxiety?  Not like something I need to take every day...but just something I could pop when I get to feeling sooooo crazy overwhelmed & anxious?

I have been drug free (I only ever took prescription drugs, so this is what I'm referring to...nothing illegal as I've never partaken.  I'm 38 and have never partaken of the is wrong with me...damn Baptist mother) for a while now...and I'm doing really well with it...but boy what I wouldn't do for some fast acting anxiety drug.  :)

And that's all I got for now.  Tonight, Italian.  Tomorrow night I'm skipping my first drawing class because I have work.  Then Economics on Thursday.  Whoo-hoo!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


So, I realized early yesterday morning that I'd failed at the nabloplomo thing.  I hate it.  But, o, well.  I got busy.

What did I get busy with?  My new job.  Which, I can't go into detail about...and it's killing me.  :)  It's just sooo very cool.

In other news...we went to see Eat Love Pray last was surprisingly good.  I cried through the whole thing.  I want to be Julia Roberts when I grow up.  (And there was Italian speaking in the movie which made me excited about my Italian class.)

Then, I cried in the truck on the way home because JDRW is going to school, without me, in 3 days.  I seriously get nauseous just to think of it.  He will be different.  It will change him.  And I know, it's ok.  Change is good.  But, it's just that for all of this time, he's been MY baby.  He is amazing because of me (and his dad and siblings, but he's been with me for most of the time) and now he's going to school and he'll have a teacher and friends and he's going to learn from them...and that's great...he's just going to be different.  Not my baby anymore.

Let's go back to the new job stuff.  It's only part time, but it's really good money.  And, it's sooo interesting.  And, I have a title.   :) 

There's more to write...but Teenager more thing...

Teenager 1 got a new job and her clients called the other day...I was nervous because I knew they wanted to talk to me so I of course thought it was bad...but they called and went on and on about how much they love her.  I feel so proud.  :)

So anyway, Teenager 2 is badgering me to take him to his girlfriend's I'm out.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to go Back2School shopping today much as I hate it.  :(

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I'm not getting fucked because the person who's supposed to be doing the fucking is watching jersey fucking shore. 

There.  Now I feel better.

So, I have this guard up these days.  There's not a lot of feelings going on 'round here.  There's no touchy feely or lovey dovey.  We're just here.  Living...sorta.

Tonight I'm thinking...hmmmm...

And, I'll keep on thinking cuz aint nothing going on 'round here.

I need a distraction.  Anyone wanna distract me?

Art.  Aint Rockin' This?  Aren't Ridin' That?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So, this is from 

...The theme for September blogging is ART. It's a theme that lets you post about art others have made that inspires you as well as the ways you bring the arts into your own life. It's also a good theme for niche bloggers who have made an art of whatever it is they do, be it knitting, jousting, or growing heirloom tomatoes. Art is all around us if we know where to look....

So, Art?  Yeah, kinda funny that you'll probably be hearing a lot about Art from me because I just enrolled in my first ever art class.  Me??  Art??  What?? 

My fall classes are:

Intro to Drawing
Intro to Economics
Elementary Italian
Physical Science

I think the only one that might bore me is Economics.  But who knows?? 

And, I'm going to a new community college for these classes.  The other college, as you all know, sucks ass!!!  The new college is awesome.  A lady from financial aid talked to me on the phone for at least 1/2 hour today while she was figuring my stuff out.  She never once acted impatient or bothered.  Twas quite refreshing.

O, and did I mention?  I got a new job?  Well, yes, yes I did.  And tomorrow I have to go fill out the paperwork.  Yay.