Friday, March 18, 2011


So I decided to grab a writing prompt.  This is from Writer's Digest :

You always look out the dark windows and wonder if something is out there. One night when you look, a small face with bright eyes appears at the window. Write about what you do, who/what it is, and why they are there.     


Well, for starter's I avoid looking out dark windows at all costs.  It freaks me out.  Why?  I'll tell you why.

Throughout my childhood my mother went through various phases and degrees of religious fanatacism.   During one phases, she would get together at the homes of other parishioners, to discuss a variety of topics...which always just seemed to be like HUGE gossip sessions followed up by prayer.   Anyway, it was during one of these sessions that the topic of demon possession came up.  Ya know, fun lite fare.   And the story that has stuck in my head since that night was one told by a man in the group. 

He told of a young boy who was possessed by demons.  He said the little boy's bedroom was on the second floor of his house, and that when the boy would look out the window, he would see people standing there looking back at him.  Except of course, he was 2 stories above ground.  The story goes that the parents thought the kid was losing it until the father went into the boys room one night and to prove that there was no one out there, he went to the window and looked out into the darkness, and saw the face of a demon looking back at him. 

Keep in mind, that I couldn't have been older than 10?  And these "stories" were told as truths.  They were told by Christians who did not lie, ever.  They were actual occurences that happened either to the poeple in the group, or by close family or friends of people in the group.  (If you don't hear the sarcasm there, let me spell it out...s a r c a s m.)

And even though I know now that those stories were a bunch of rubbish...they still haunt me.

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