Sunday, September 4, 2011


Growing up in southern Illinois has given me a super power.  I can predict rain.  It's uncanny.  There's a change in pressure or something, right before a storm.  It'll be sunny and blue skies and I'll feel the pressure change and I'll say to Magnum, "Rain's comin'."  He'll ignore me and 15 minutes later he's running around in the rain rolling up windows and putting away his 4 Wheeler.   :)    (Haha, I went and did some research for the topic below, and just as I came back here I felt the pressure change-it's gonna rain y'all.)

I dreamed of losing teeth last night.  From  "this may symbolize the start of a new phase in your life", which is pretty appropo right now.  On Tuesday I'll call the college, see if I'm all clear to register.  I'll take MWF classes, and do something else in between.  Personal chef work would be GRAND.  But I'll do other stuff too.  I just don't want to go back into the corporate world.  I didn't realize until I was out of it, how much it was taking out of me.

In other news...I got back to school shopping done today for the kids.  Yay me.  Sad to see them go back.  And, really, I think JDRW might be some kinda genius.  :)  He reads like crazy.  And he's a common sense way.  He understands sarcasm and he just gets stuff.  He's like an old man in a 6 year olds body.  And to think, last year his teacher wanted to put him in Special Ed classes because he couldn't hold his scissors the way she thought he should.  WTF is wrong with that picture?  Just makes me wonder how many other kids get placed in special ed classes, who really don't need to be there, but then the stigma of being a special ed student fucks them up for life.  Grrrr.  It's all about how much money the school can get off of the kids. 

Anyway, I've just been kinda laying low...pondering. 

I guess on Tuesday I'll know what my next step will be. 

I need to go roll up some windows now.  Storm's a comin'.

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