Tuesday, March 20, 2012


What does a person do when they are married to a person they love, but hate the place that they live?

I love being here in Illinois. I love it.  It feels so good.  It feels like home.  It feels like this is where I should be.  Of course, I'm a firm believer in if this is where I should be, something will bring me back here.  JDRW has family here.  On Saturday we went to a bbq and he actually had cousins his age to play with.  He has aunts and uncles and grandparents.  He's making cake pops with his aunt right now.  He doesn't have that where we live.  I mean, he has aunts and uncles that he NEVER sees.  He has a sister that he hasn't seen in 2 years.  Because they have big fat attitudes.

I love it that I can sit here on my computer or go to the fridge and grab whatever I want or go take a nap and no one is going to complain or question or whine.  I love it that everyone talks at the same time.  I love it that we can all argue like hell and then 5 minutes later it's all good.  I love it that in the morning you can open the windows for fresh air but by afternoon you have to crank up the ac because it's so hot.  I love it that my legs ache because I walked for 5 hours at the zoo.  I love how people help people here.

My skin feels good.  My heart feels full.

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