Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ok, Kodak. You're Safe.

Who says blogging doesn't getcha anywhere?

If you read my blogs about Kodak, you know it was a very frustrating process.  The people that I actually emailed, did NOTHING to help me.

But someone, who read my blog, did.  How cool is that?

A woman read my blog and told me to email her...and I did...and she was awesome.  And I just got off the phone with another woman, named Brandy, who is totally gonna replace my printer.

The funny thing is, I had pretty much given up.  I was just gonna buy a new printer.  And then some random person read my blog and voila.

Hey, maybe I should write that I love RED LOBSTER and CRAB LEGS.  Think I'll get something free grub?


I need to remember that being mean and hateful isn't helping anything.  I will always win any arguements because in this case, I'm right.  So, I need to take that, and leave the bitterness out.   I can be mad.  I can cry.  But the silly "well you did this and you did that" is just a waste of my energy. 

Positive.  Focus on the positive.


Things I have to remember:

It's over.  There's no point in asking questions.  There's no point in finding out any more info.  The damage is done.  It is not gonna go away.

I am on my way up.  I've been on my way up for a long long time.  I wanted him to go with me on my journey, but it isn't to be.

My heart is broken, but not surprised.  I think I knew this was gonna happen eventually.  I knew eventually he wouldn't be able to lie his way out of his lies.

I was happy being blissfully naive.  I didn't ask questions, I didn't snoop.  I just let it be.

And then, there, in front of me, without the asking, is the truth.  I tried to deny it at first.  I ignored the first truth, choosing instead to believe what I wanted to believe.  And even, the second truth.  I was angry.  I said mean things.  I was hurt.  But I think, with time, I could have let it be again.  And, now, I know, it never will be again.

I'm sad for me.  I'm sad that I think I've done everything "right".  I thought I was being "enough".

As it turns out, I will never be enough.

I'm sad for him.  There has to be a reason he can't love me like I love him.

I'm sad for JRDW.  He didn't do anything wrong.  But, isn't he gonna be the one who is the most hurt by all of this?  And, don't you think that Magnum might have considered that?  Or was Magnum banking on just never having lies turn into truth?

I know this is karma, and I should just take what I've earned.

I'm trying to look forward to a place when it doesn't hurt so much.  I'm trying to imagine the future me...without my husband...without my best friend.  I guess, though, if he truly were my best friend, he wouldn't have hurt me like this.  Then again, didn't I let him hurt me?

I hate being a sob story but I needed to make sense of some things.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


When your husband and your best friend are the same person...and one of them break your's pretty lonely.

Good Things.

All good things must come to an end.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kodak You Suck.


I loved my printer when I got it.  Yeah, I even blogged about it.  Then I wrote them a letter.  Then they wrote back and said to call.  So today I called...

The first NON english speaking person, after much irritation and frustration, was in the process of taking down all of my information to send me a replacement printer...and as she was taking down my address, we get disconnected.

The next NON english speaking person, doesn't seem to understand a fucking word I'm saying, so I hang up.

The third NON english speaking person, goes through ALL of the same steps the other people have me go through, and then he tells me to take out the print head and the cartridges and put them back.

So, I do that.

And then he says, "Mam, now please take out the print cartridges and the print head."

Yeah, I did that.

And then he says, "Mam, now please take out the print cartridges and the print head."


He LITERALLY said the EXACT same sentence to me 10 times, at least. 

And I say to him, "You've been asking me the same question for the last 10 minutes.  I did that part!!!!"

Then he wants to calibrate.

As if I haven't already tried this???  I mean really?  I CAN speak english and I CAN read and I know how to calibrate a printer and how to clean the printhead......and I've done all of the trouble shooting steps.

The printer is fucking broken you fucking moron.

I guess I'll be buying a new printer.  But certainly not from Kodak.

Press This.

Press one for english...

Ok, pressing one...

And then I get to talk to someone who does not speak ENGLISH but some modified absolutely UNunderstandable version of a language that I suppose to some people SOUNDS like English but in fact is fucking NOT.


So, I haven't had my computer for ages, and just got it back.  Whoot.  Now I can go back to boring you with my life.  :)

Here are the highlights:

On August 31st, I decided to go for more of a healthy life.  I've lost 13 pounds since then.  And, the best part, is, it's not hard.  I mean, I just quit eating crappy food.  And Magnum fixed our treadmill today, so I'll be utilizing that handy little fella.

I got all of my hair chopped off three weeks ago.  It is so sassy and I love it.

My math class is going exceptionally well.  I expect to get no less than an A in the class.  Yes, I'm doing that well.

I want to do roller derby.  I think I can totally handle it.  Magnum isn't so sure.

I am planning for me and my family to go to Illinois for Christmas.  About this I am uber excited!!!

We got a new truck.  Truck + new hair = total dyke. But oh well, they're both cute.  :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009


I went shopping last night because we have a wedding reception to go to tonight and I wanted some new shoes.

So I bought some shoes and then we went to the mall, and then I decided I didn't like those shoes so I took them back and got different ones.

They are cute.

Magnum says, "I don't think those are gonna be very comfortable."

I say, "Oh, they are so comfortable, I wore them around for a few minutes in the store."

Yeah, so I've had them on for about 30 minutes...and all I'm doing is sitting here typing. And my shoes are a bit less than comfie.

But dammit, they're cute.

Stupid cute shoes. *crankyface*

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Letter To Kodak.

To Whom It May Concern, To Whom It May Take To Get This Resolved, To Whom I Must Beg, To Whom I Will Be Thanking Soon For All Of Their Help:

In March 2008, I bought a Kodak 1100 All In One. I was impressed. I raved. I wrote to my friends and in my blog and even commented very positively about how impressed I truly was. I’m sure my husband was sick of hearing how much I LOVED my new printer.

Do you feel the but coming on?


Probably within six months of purchase, the scanner feature stopped working. I figured it was user error, and thought I’d call someone at Kodak and get to the bottom of it.

Then, the printouts started to look not so great. Whole lines were missing from whatever document I was trying to print at the time. Again, I thought, well it’s not the printer, I’m sure it just needs to be cleaned. So, I did the nozzle clean and all of the other fancy “troubleshooting” steps.


So for the past 6 months or so my printer has been sitting in a lonely corner, unused and discarded.

And then someone said, “well did you even bother to call the company?” Um, no, I didn’t. It just never occurred to me.

So, now I’m writing to “the company”, because, although I was highly impressed with your product in the beginning (I was even impressed, and wrote it so in my comments, with the packaging. I didn’t have to get a butcher knife to open the packages because there were convenient little tabs. Maybe I’m easily impressed?), I am a bit disappointed that all it is now is a huge paper holder.

Also, and I’m sure this is an important fact, at some point during one of the nozzle cleanings, I noticed “something” in the printer. Something cottony looking? So, I figured one of the children (as I have an in home daycare and a 3 year old son (who would never do such a thing, of course)) must have stuck something in there and THAT was my problem. However, when that cottony thing a ma jig was removed, and after much inked fingers, I realized that whatever that thing was, it was part of the printer that had come loose? (Obviously, I’m not a technical girl, so I couldn’t even begin to tell you what the part was, but I will say, it was made of the same material that a window air conditioner filter is made of. Make sense?)

So, now, after much procrastination and worry that I broke my printer, I’m convinced that perhaps it isn’t so much my “fault” at all? Perhaps there was a malfunction in the printer from the start that I was unaware of?

This is my plea to get to the bottom of this. I don’t know where to go from here or what the next step is, or if you can even offer any help at all with this matter. But I hope you can, because I feel so sorry for that poor little pretty yellow and white paper holder in the corner.

Thank you in advance for your help in sorting this matter out and I hope, together, we can get that printer glowing again soon!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day.

Today is my first day of fall semester. Am I really finally gonna get this math done? Whoot.

A big shout out to Magnum for making this possible. Thank you so much.

That's all for now...