Thursday, December 23, 2010


So, here's my anti Christian rant.  I see EVERYWHERE people posting signs and and making their social networking status say "Jesus is the reason for the season" or something similar.  I read someones facebook that were literally ranting about how Christmas should be about Jesus and blah blah blah. 

Yo, Christian hypocrites and the like!  Jesus wasn't born on December 25th.  Dude.  Relax.  Christmas became Christmas because our christian forefathers tried to force their beliefs into places that it wasn't.  Go here, if you want to read more.

Ok, enough about that.

I think I'm getting old, because Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas to me, at all this year.  I'm not excited about it.  My tree is so so.  (Granted it's cute as hell, but I didn't put my heart into it.)  I don't know what it is.  I'm just blah about it.  And, tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  I'm sure once I get the house cleaned and neat and the gifts all wrapped, when people arrive tomorrow night, I'll feel some holiday cheer. 

I'm gonna start getting excited about my summer visit to St. Louis tho.  Whoot.

And now I have to go take cookies to JDRW's school for his Christmas Party.  They are pretty dang cute tho.  

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