Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Holy Macaroni & Cheese.

I'm all kinds of crazy right now.  Frantically thinking, excitedly nervous, wanting to run through the house screaming.


Because I have an interview tomorrow as an Editorial Assitant at a local newspaper.  OMG. 

Sunny beaches.

I'm in that state of mind right now where I just don't even know what to do with myself.  Pick out my outfit?  Try to figure out a way to tame the phro for an interview?  Jump up and down and squeal like a little piggy?

Wow.  Editorial Assistant. 

When I told Magnum about the phone conversation I had with the editor, he laughed.  Because the woman was like, "Are you familiar with social media?"  REALLY?  And she was like, "Are you a blogger?"  HA!  And, she said the job would entail a lot of proofreading.  WOW!    I proofread even when I'm not being paid to do it.  It's an obsession.   I don't think anyone has ever described a job that fits me as well as this one.  The editor and I talked on the phone for 20 minutes. 

I think I need a drink.  :)

Holy Crow....I have to go do something besides sit here and freak the freak out.

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