Saturday, July 9, 2011


JDRW wrote a song.  Or rather a line to a song.  And he's been singing it for a few weeks.  It's sooo stuck in my head.  "Why, in the sky, would you daaaannnnnccceeee?"  :)

In other news, it's 3:38am, and I'm not sleeping at night for the first time in a long time.  Because I don't feel good.  I can't even put my finger on why I don't feel good.  It's just a general feeling of uncomfortable.

I miss my light bulb guy.  Sadface.  He has my number.  Let it be what it is.

After much debate, I've chosen to reengage in taking some focus medication.  :)  Hopefully it'll help me get back on track.

Right now I'd love to be swimming in a bowl full of cold grapes.  Wouldn't you?

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