Sunday, August 28, 2011


Am I wrong to feel like...I'm better than the ex boss?  Like she's still at the foot of the mountain and I'm over it?  Like I am and will always be above her.  And I'm not trying to be mean there...I just take a little...what's the word...not that I'm better than her...but I'm.......UGH.  I told Magnum I was looking for a word and he said corrugated.  Pride...but not really.'s what I need advice about.  And you don't have to be a follower to answer:

I want to go back to school with the ultimate goal of teaching on a college level.  So...the question is:  HOW?  I have an associates degree-I'm planning to take some supplemental classes until I can go to a 4 year college next year, majoring in elementary ed.  But, do I need to go for the elementary ed thing? 

I was all set to blog...and then Big Brother comes on.  So now I'm not as passionate as I was.  Grrr.

More later.

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