Wednesday, October 5, 2011


We are finally getting a bid on our roof.  Whoot.  Dude says, if we accept his bid, he can get it done in a weekend.  Awesome. 

Men are dicks.  Men get mad and instead of dealing with it, they stomp around and do this rumbly "I'm a man and I can stomp" thing all around the house.  Grrrr.

In other news...

Who has 2 thumbs and got a B+ on her Spanish test??  This girl!  Yay me. 

Here in the wonderful world of upstate NY, it's going to get down below freezing tonight.  Are you serious?  Today one of my instructors told us to close our eyes and imagine a happy place.  Everyone else was imagining a beach, or a meadow...I was imagining St. Louis.  :)

For the first time in weeks, I haven't heard from Izzy.  Honeymoon must be over.

And, that's all I got for today kids.

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