Monday, January 4, 2010


I've been trying to write this blog for a while, but I lack focus.  :)  I open my blog and see my friends blogs and start reading...and so on and on...and by the time I get back to my blog...well you see where that's going, right?

I'm going to work on my resolutions.  They will be posted soon.

Our trip to Illinois was awesome.  Anyone who has never been to St. Louis just doesn't know what they are  missing.  It is the most amazing city ever.  And they have this museum.  If you ever go to St. Louis, you need to go there.  There's more to write about the trip, but I need to put it together in my head before I write.

We got a Wii.  Well, technically JDRW got a Wii for a combo Christmas/Birthday Gift.  My brother had one at his house, and JDRW fell in love.  I must admit, I like it too, although the only game I've played is Bowling.  (I'm excited about getting my own controller though.)

I got to see Ney.  I begged her to come home with me.  She refused.  Sadface.

My kids are amazing.  And, one of two things is going to happen soon.  Either we are going to figure out a way to move there, or the kids are moving back here.  I will never let them live with their father again.  Oh, and on that note, one night while we were there, BD texted Magnum and thanked him for being such a great dad.  It made me weepy.

Magnum and I got along awesomely.  And I think it had something to do with this:  When we are here, it feels like Me against Magnum & the world.  There it was Me & Magnum against the world.  We were a unit there.  Here, not so much.  But I really think he's working at being less impatient and crabassy.  And there is no Two in Illinois, and that alone makes me happy times a thousand.

And, that's all I got for now.

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