Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Postitively Negative.

I feel like crap today.  And yesterday.  And when I feel icky I get needy and when I get needy I get sensitive and when I get sensitive I get bitchy.  Fun times.

And, again, I'm questioning my marraige.  I'm questioning why we are together and I'm questioning if this is how I want to spend the rest of my life.  Because currently, this isn't good.  And then we add JDRW to the mix, and I don't want to ruin his life by seperating or divorcing and ripping his little family apart.  I fucked up with my other kids, I just really didn't want to fuck up with this one too.

I love Magnum.  But...we just aren't...happy together anymore.  I feel like he hates me most of the time, and I'm sure he feels like I hate him most of the time.

I just...grrrr.  I just don't know sometimes.

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