The sun is shining. There are little daffodil sprouts in the front garden. I get to see Joy tomorrow, albeit briefly. I'm also getting my hair cut tomorrow, which is much needed. I'm letting it grow out, but I can't stand when it gets all squirrely. And, I'm tired of wearing hats. Every morning Magnum says "Good Morning Astro Boy." For those of you who don't know...
Of course, Magnum has been inaccessible during the day for the past coulpa days...and that makes me sad. :(
I think the new girl and I can safely say "the honeymoon's over" now. Sometimes I just get worn out trying to defend myself and my choice to be poly. I believe in it whole heartedly, and it's hard sometimes when people around you don't/can't/won't understand. Sometimes I'm quite delusional in thinking that if a person would just give me a shot, they might see something "worth" getting to know. I guess it's sorta like religion to me. A person can talk to me until they are blue in the face, about religion (namely Christianity) and I will never, never, share their beliefs, although at the same time, I can appreciate their beliefs. So, I guess that's how the new girl see's polyamory. Like, what's the point in trying, if you know from the get go that it's not gonna work? Although, the reason I know Christianity doesn't work for me is because I spent years and years contemplating and learning before I decided. I didn't just decide it wasn't for me...until after I tried it. :)
In other news...I need meat. :) Like I'm hungry...but nothing sounds good except a big ol' steak or maybe a lobster tail. Mmmmmmm.
I saw Ogre the other day, and I was awkward and shy. Which is kinda funny, because it's not like I haven't been around him for extended periods of time. I think it was just odd for me to have him at my house...even if it was only for about 4 seconds because I was being a big awkward dork. :)
I guess that's all I got for now. B o r i n g. :)
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