Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Me, Giddy??

I love Walter.  Just seeing him makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.  That's how all "relationships" should be.  I know, he's my doctor so it's not a relationship...don't freak out I'm not thinking he and I are gonna run off together...but he's just so...real.  I've seen the man once.  And today I had my second visit.  First, he remembered me.  I've been to doctors before that were totally confused and had no clue who I was after several visits.  He remember I'm from Southern Illinois.  He remembered I'm in a military family.  He helps me without enabling me.  And that is what is so amazing about him. 

Enter enter type.  See, today the fact that it's not working isn't pissing me off at all.

I don't think the new drugs could possibly have kicked in yet?  But I'm hyper as hell and all kinds of giddy and right now I'm typing about 80wpm.  :)

In other news...

I was in WalMart this afternoon to pick up the new meds, and I'm looking to kill some time so I'm walking around and there in a checkout line is Two.  I turned and walked the other way.  But not before noticing she's driving around on one of those handicapped scooters.  No, I know...really I know...there are people who really need to use those things and when I hurt my ankle once, I even had to use one...but I wasn't happy about it.  (O, and my mother used one at Six Flags once, legitimately, and Ney and I took turns running innocent people down with it...but that's another story all together.)  So anyway, there she is in her handicap scooter.  I find this very funny.  She doesn't have a broken leg.  She hasn't been stricken with some uncureable disease.  She's pregnant.  That's it.  That's her big illness, her handicap.  I know, there are women who legitimately need assistance during pregnancy...but...I do not believe for half a second that she does.  I guarantee if you threw a million dollars out in the street, she's run her roly poly ass all over town to grab it.  She is the opposite of me.  I don't want people's attention because I'm sick.  She wants EVERYONE to know she's special, she needs extra attention.  I've seen 80 year old half crippled women park the carts inside, like you're supposed to, and walk the rest of the way to the car....but not Two.  She rode the fucking thing all the way outside.  Dude, I mean, if you are in THAT bad of shape, why not just have your little naive puppy dog husband go pick something up for you at the Walmart?  I mean, if your pregancy is that risky, then why even go to Walmart? 

Ok, so, maybe typing 80wpm makes me long winded?

I called Magnum when I got home and I was talking to him and he interrupts me to say, "So, you got the new meds huh?"  :)  I told him I don't think they've kicked in yet and he said "O, no?"  Hahaha.  Anyway, then he said, "Knowing you, they could have just given you sugar pills and you'd get better."  And you know what, if that worked, I'd totally go with it. 

And, on that happy note, I'm out.   My fingers are smokin'.

1 comment:

f8hasit said...

Iwas behind a gal at the grocery in one of those buggy carts. She had to have been all of 25 and overweight as hell. Even my daughter pointed out that she had acutally 2 butts sticking out of her stretch pants. The real butt, whose butt crack we all had to witness who were behind her, and the second butt of the fat hanging above the waist of the pants but not hidden by the grotesquely small workout top.

Anyway...here she is in line and spies the soda cabinet that they have there for impulse purchases. Don't you know she gets her fat ass out of the buggy and walks over...no limp, no nothin'...and grabs a monster drink and walks back to her buggy and waits in the line.


My daughter leans over and says, "So THATS why she's so fat. She's LAZY!"


(I must be on sugar pills too.....)