Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I've figured out I either write when I'm very angry, or I write when I'm very happy...notice there've been very few blogs lately?  That's because I'm somewhere in the gray area in between. 

So, here I am,  to talk about a few random things.

On my way home from school, I see a church sign.  Normally I roll my eyes at quippy little church sign messages, sometimes I laugh out loud, sometimes I might even say, "whatthefuckever".  But, this particular sign, is to me, the epitomy of a representation of a god.  The sign reads: 

God Loves You Just The Way You Are!

Wow.  That is how it's supposed to be.  Not a bunch of hypocrites standing around at funerals holding up signs saying God Hates You.  What the fuck is wrong with those people?  I mean, really?  I'm not an expert on god or religion.  But, I would think, that if there is a god, any god, whom I am supposed to worship, I certainly will not be worshipping to a god who hates anyone...let alone hold up signs at a soldiers funeral stating so.  I mean come on.  What is wrong with you people?

More?  You want more?

Fine, I've been having naughty fantasies about Walter.  Haha.  So, when I go see him next, I'm sure I'll be blushing.  :)

It's been raining here for EVER.  Gray drizzly rain.  Give me tree rippin' thunder & lighting storm anyday over this blahgraycrap.

I don't have time to clean anymore, and it's bugging the piss out of me.  I mean, on the surface things usually look pretty good...but if I were you I'd stear..or is it steer?...I'd stay away from looking under the couch, or upstairs at my bedroom.  Scary stuff.  And it drains me.  It drains me more to leave it messy, then it does to spend a few hours cleaning.  But I just don't have time.......grrrrrrr.  But, I do like being busy...I just need one day alone with no kids, or animals, or husbands, or clients, or errands, or homework, or phone calls, or...the list could go on forever, right?

So, there.  A small update.  I feel like I'm cheating a little though...because it's a topical update.  A surface update.  It's telling a story, rather than expressing a feeling...I know.  I know.  I know.  But right now all I can focus on is art & perspective & economics (and my instructor-perhaps another blog) and the dirty dishes because the drain to the dishwasher & kitchen sink is broken (again, another blog perhaps). 

I just don't have time.  Time is not on my side at this time.

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