Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Down down down and not in a good way.  I am in the mist of my winter blue saga.  I can't decide if it's just the winter, or just the no job, or just the midlife crisis...but boy am I blah to the nth degree.  I am an unmotivated, uninspired bum right now...and I'm hating it.  Just getting from point A to point B in my day is a pain in the ass.

Classes are starting this week, which normally would be good, but our truck broke again...so even tho I'm taking online and night classes so I can work during the day-our truck if effing broke which means Magnum has to come home early so I can get to class.  His boss just told him he had to work more hours or some shit (which is bullshit and it's either work or be laid off and no one can afford to be laid off these days-which means employers can be fucking bullies if they want to).

It's just one of those give up, go to work at McDonalds, fuck school, this is what it is and all it's ever going to be you loser, kinda days.

Is there other news worth reporting?

I made the Dean's List last semester, which means SHIT to me right now.  I got my hair cut and I fucking hate it.  A pipe broke in our heater because we weren't using it and it froze and flooded our living room.  I wish I had taken the job that was offered to me a few weeks ago, because, yes it wasn't enough but it was more than I'm making sitting here typing this fucking blog entry.

Wait...there might be a spark of something to report.  My ex douche bag steroid head drug dealing dickhead husband might have actually decided he was ready to pay child support.  He was supposed to go to court yesterday, pay $1000 down and then agree to pay so much a month.  I'm still getting fucked and not getting anywhere near what he owes, but it's something, right?

Ok, well, I guess that's all of the bitchfest I can muster right now.

Have a mentioned the shirt in the movie The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?  It said:  Fuck you you fucking fuck.  I love it.  I'd so be wearing that shirt right now if I owned it.

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