Monday, January 2, 2012


So, if you'd like to quit listening to me whine so much and check out my new blog...go here.

So far it looks like it's going to go like this:

Sexy Sunday:  I'll post a sexy pic of a celebrity, or an object I think is sexy...or a line from a book that I think is get the idea.

Menu Monday:  I'll post a recipe that sounds yummy to me.  :)

Tarot Tuesday:  I'll post a weekly Tarot Reading for my readers.

Workout Wednesday:  Yes, yes, yes.  I will ad a workout that I will do with ya'll on Wednesdays.  I'm thinking it might be workout in the kitchen sort of thing...or a workout at home doing every day things.  Keep posted to find out.

Thirsty Thursday:  I'll post a drink recipe...sometimes adult drinks, sometimes for everyone.

Friday Findings:  On Friday I'll post a list of little tricks and tips that I've found that work for me that I'd like to share.

Sabatoge Saturday:  I'll sabatoage a local restuarant and then write about the experience.  Just makes sure you tell them I sent you.  I'll also let them know I've written.

You should toddle on over-I'm pretty excited.  The first enter is hubba hubba.  I don't care if you are a straight man, you have to see the beauty in this tasty little morsel.  :)

Thanks guys.  Follow me,,,,,,,

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