Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. Then I didn't. Then I did. I never wanted to do the daycare thing.

Except, I think maybe I got propositioned today. A friend of mine is trying to start an adult education program, and she mentioned doing on site daycare and she mentioned I could come and run it for her.

Um...ok. I guess, if I got to be a director of a daycare, it wouldn't be so bad? Although I hate commercial daycares. But maybe mine would be different...the exception to the rule.

First, I'd go all green...at least as much as possible. And, I wouldn't want the daycare to feel like a place to corral your kids while you are working. I would want the kids to walk in and feel at home. Oh, and the kids at the daycare would have manners! I think so many people are focused on whether or not their two year old can speak fluent spanish and write novels, to focus on politeness. Nothing irks me more than a rude kid. Dude, please & thank you? Is it really that hard?

Ok, now I'm going to have some lunch.

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