Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So, there's this ONE person, that I don't want Magnum to see. She has always caused problems for us.

I found out a few months back, that he was seeing her. I knew nothing about it. It isn't the first time it's happened. And everytime it does happen, I say, this is the last time.

Except, as it turns out, it is never the last time.

Because he sees her again, then promises me he won't, then he does, and he doesn't tell me, and I find out, and we fight for a week, and he promises he won't ever see her or talk to her again...and on and on it goes.

Except now, everytime he goes on a trip, or every time I can't get a hold of him, I freak out because I think she is with him.

I don't like to live this way. But, wtf am I supposed to do?

I don't think he's stopped seeing her or talking to her. But, I have no proof. He's smart enough not to email her or leave messages from her on his phone.

I guess the hardest part is hating that he won't deny her for me. Instead, he breaks my heart for her.

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