Monday, February 9, 2009


Nice that this is a blog about Skye and it's blog number 21 which is my favorite number.

So, yesterday, I had lunch with Skye. It was the first time we'd really hung out since I went to her apartment.

Let me go back. She was single when I first met her. Then she had a girlfriend, then she didn't, then she was seeing someone, (which is when I got in to snuggle), and then after we snuggled, she got a girlfriend. So, supposedly, snuggling is out.

Except, I know she's not as into the girlfriend as she wants everyone to think she is. She likes the idea of having a girlfriend. She wants it. But the girls she's seeing, is not it.

And at lunch yesterday, I told her that I could tell she wasn't as into the girl as she wanted to be.

And, she admitted it.

So, now, here's this girl, with a girlfriend, who isn't really into her girlfriend, that I WANT, but can't have because she has a girlfriend and I swore I wouldn't do that.

But, fuck. (Yeah I said but fuck...shut up.) She is adorable. She giggles, a lot. Smitten. I don't think it's just my imagination that she's smitten.

This blog is not doing her justice. Dammit.

Maybe after I have some lunch my creativity will spark.

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