Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm gonna ramble...deal.

AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I'm frustrated as fuck. Every little thing is rubbing me the wrong way. Yes, it is PMS. Shut up. It doesn't make the frustration or agitation any less. Knowing that it's a hormonal imbalance doesn't make me feel better. The only peace the knowledge gives me is knowing that by this time tomorrow I should be all better.

Subject change...

I was all HOT about Skye. She still has a girlfriend, and I've only seen her once since "that" night. And I'm good, as long as I don't see her. As soon as I'm in her presence my mind starts to race with "how and when can I do naughty things with her". I know it's not good. And, I think she has a history of pissing people off. The last three relationships I've heard about seem to have ended badly. Not to even mention she has this cousin who thinks she's a bad ass and she doesn't like me. She's one of those girls. You know the type. Big big talk. Drama drama I'm gonna kick someones ass. I told Skye that her cousin can hate all she wants, but I won't be stooping to that level. Plus, the girl doesn't know me or anything about me? So, how does she get to decide that Skye shouldn't hang with me?

I composed a letter in my head. Or maybe not a letter, but a response to any negativity I got about seeing her. Mostly I think I was "addressing" her parents. I won't go into specifics, but it involved a few facts. First of all, I'm good people. Like really. I don't smoke, do drugs or drink (I mean occasionally...but I'm not a go out and get drunk and be stupid girl). I encourage her in her college ventures. I've helped her with homework. :) I guess basically what it boils down to is, I won't hurt her. I have a good heart. Ya know? I'm past all the drama in life. Granted I have a husband, but that's a positive too. Her parents will know that I'm not gonna run off with her, right? I'll keep her grounded for a while. Keep her straight...haha.

Funny thing is, I was chasing chasing chasing...until she told me she was all confused about how she felt. :) She was saying that she and her girlfriend didn't have whatever it was that she and I had. Kinda freaked me out I think. Then she texted me and said she missed me.

I'm such a girl.

In other news...one of the people at my work is leaving. Today is his last day. He's moving far away. I'm going to cry when he goes. I've known him since he was really young. I taught him so much. :( He's the first one I've really liked & lost. :(

Magnum wasn't very nice today. He says I was being the jerk, but I totally think he was. I don't think I give him any reason to be mean or jerky to me. I don't deserve it. I am certainly unappreciated. And that sucks, really. (He just called & yeah, only made it worse. Wouldn't you think that if I told him I was having a rough day, he might...try NOT to pick a fight?)

This weekend we Spring forward already!!!???!!! Wow. There's still 20 inches of snow on the ground, it just seems wrong.

I'm posting now because I've rambled on and don't even know what I've written and don't feel like proofing.

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