Tuesday, March 31, 2009


There are rules.

In a previous blog, I said something along the lines of, Yes she has to take a nap. Well, today, the same parent asked me why the little precious angel wasn't allowed to play during naptime. Um...because it's quiet time and if your little angel is up running around and making noise...then guess what...she disrupts every one. Not to even mention (if you stop to think for a second)...I start work at 7am and don't stop until 6:30 sometimes 7pm. So, during the quiet time, I do things that need to be done...like sweeping, or doing the dishes, or tending to one of the babies.

Quiet time is quiet time for a reason. Why do you need to make me feel guilty? I'd love to tell her parents that she's being disruptive during quiet time. But, I don't want to lose them as customers. If parents would just think for 5 seconds about their precious little angels demands, maybe they'd realize that they are unreasonable. For fucks sake she's 4...dude a little quiet time aint gonna hurt her.

Yes, that is a true bonafide RANT.

I love my job. I love that I can do what I do. But I mean, come on people, use your heads a bit. She isn't a princess!

And, only one more year until I can pursue other things.

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