Monday, March 16, 2009


Yesterday was the best day I've had in a while. It's weird for me to have a good day. Especially a good day just because it's a good day. Nothing exceptional happened. I didn't really accomplish anything. It just felt good. I felt good in my own skin. It was nice.

I got up wicked early and did some errands. And then I went to the Y. I joined a month ago, and decided yesterday that I needed to go. The way it works here, is that you sign up and then there are 4 different locations you can visit.

So, I signed up at one of the locations. All I did that night was sign papers. No one showed me around as I thought they would. But I was in a hurry that night, so no bigs.

Then I went to the other, much bigger, location. I went in and asked if there was someone who could show me around. And, a very nice girl, walked me through and showed me the highlights, but didn't give me any real "instruction".

So, yesterday, I went to yet another of the locations. It's by far the smallest one. I knew when I left my house that I was going to work out. So I ask the lady at the counter for assistance and she ends up asking me if I've ever had an orientation.

Um, no.

So, she set me up for an orientation. Finally.

Anyway, I ended up not working out at that location but going back to the big one because they have a walking track. For the first time in my life I "worked out" at a gym. :) I walked a mile and a half. Yahoo for me.

And, let me tell you, the IPOD Shuffle is the best work out accessory ever.

And, when I got home it was only 11:30 and I was amazed. Yeah, usually I don't get up until 11 on Sundays.

It was a good day. And I guess I did accomplish a little something. Maybe that's why it was good. Accomplishing something new.

I'm excited about walking and eventually running. And, for the first time in my life, I'm gonna have definition in my arms! I'm excited about this.

Wahoo for me.

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