Juicy Burgers in Geyser. Yum. I had a mushroom & swiss burger, yummy. And their fries are yummmmmmyyyy too. You should totally go there. I think the website is www.juicyburgers.com (but I’m not positive so if you go there and it’s a big booty website…sorry. Or you can thank me later.)
Also, here’s a handy little cleaning tidbit. I use dishwasher gel to clean stuff. Obviously it has bleach so don’t use it to wash your favorite red sheets or your favorite blue hoodie. But I use it to clean the bathroom, and more recently I used it to clean out the cooler. The smell is much more pleasant then regular bleach, and it’s thick so it’s less likely to splash. It also takes stains off of my counter tops, and I used it to clean my white kitchen sink. It’s awesome. Also, if you’ve never used a Magic Eraser, you sooooo need to run out right now and grab ya some. Amazing little sponges.
Also, Pawn and I found these duster things.. They are floor dusters that you wear on your feet like slippers. They are awesome. And the duster parts come off so you can throw them in the wash as needed.
So, Magnum has been saying all along that our car wasn’t big enough to fit our camping stuff in. Well, I keep saying, “we can do it! It’s a challenge, but we can do it.” Except, now that I have most of the stuff gathered up…yeah…unless we tie a few kids to the roof of the Focus, we are sooooooo gonna have a serious challenge on our hands. Srsly.
In other news…
I was attempting to do the healthy thing before camping. So last week I was totally following a low calorie diet. And ended up having an “episode”. I was in bed and around 3am was awoken by some outrageous pain in my chest. It was horrible all night and all the next day. Every time I would take a bite of food, it hurt my chest so bad. I even paid enough attention to know I would take a bite and 10 seconds later the pain would hit. So bad it would bring tears to my eyes. So, I go to the doctor and she says that the valve between my eshophogus and my stomach was irritated so that was the cause of the pain. She gave me Prilosec and I haven’t had any problems since. I just think it’s funny that I’m trying to eat healthy and it bites me in the ass, or in the valve, as it were. I blame the mustard seeds in the spicy mustard I ate. Or it could have been the salsa I nom nom nom’d my way through the night before the episode.
I just ate some frosted shredded wheat and the carbs are kicking my ass. I’m nodding off just sitting here typing.
I washed Pawn’s laundry yesterday. And, oddly enough, I liked it. I liked being the domestic girl. I could so dig staying home while my husband and girl go out to work. J She’s a student (temporarily on hold) and wants to get an engineering degree. A girlfriend who’s an engineer is pretty hot. J
A while back I wrote a blog about trying to hook up Mist & Pawn’s best friend. Let me give him a name…Marty. So, I was trying to hook Mist & Marty up. And we (Magnum, Pawn & I) asked Marty & Mist if they wanted to go out, sort of on a group date, and meet for the first time and just have a blast.
We were all in. Except, of course, Mist. She was so negative about it and thought of every excuse possible to not go. Which pissed me off. She gives this “poor me” attitude and when something good comes her way, she doesn’t even take a shot. So what if she and Marty didn’t hit it off? We’d still all be there just having fun. But, nope, not Mist. So, to be honest, I’m glad she didn’t go because after having met Marty, she doesn’t deserve him. I thought they would have made a great couple. But, if she can’t even take a little chance, then it’s her loss. I felt proud of him, and sorry for her because there was a girl sitting alone and Magnum and I were kinda teasing about why she was alone. And, Marty says “Maybe she’s really nice.” It was so sweet & sincere. And I thought, see Mist! See what you missed! So, now, I’m gonna go out with him. Just on a date w/no romantic or sexual anything. Just a date to hang out. Magnum approved! J
Ok, now I have to go do something productive because I’m at the 90% mark. Magnum always busts on me because I’ll do a job or a chore and almost get it done, but not quite. Like, I’ll clean the whole house, but there’ll just be a sock laying on the living room floor. Or I’ll sweep, and then never pick up the little pile of dust bunnies. (Ney used to help me with this…I’d do 90% and then she’d finish. She’s a good girl. As a matter of fact, since Pawn’s been around I’ve been missing Ney soooo much. I also missed her when we went to Roller Derby the other night…but that’ll be a whole nuther blog.)
Bye for now.
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