Sunday, March 7, 2010

Challenge Whore?

Today I said something along these lines to Magnum:  "Why is it that I find a girl I can stand to talk to for more than 5 seconds without getting bored, and she kicks me to the curb, but the other girls, who I am bored with, wanna talk and talk and talk?"  And, Magnum says:  "It's because you're a challenge whore."

I don't want to be a challenge whore anymore.  I just wanna be the girl who gets the girl.  :)  Dude.

Either she's brilliant, or I'm a moron.  I'm going with the latter.  But, that's all I'm gonna say about that for now.

In other news...

I got a new computer.  Well, actually, it's a netbook, but it's incredible.  It's this tiny little beautiful thing.  It's barely more than a handful.  Mucho loveo.

We got a lot accomplished this weekend, and my body is hurting.  Ouch.   But, the good news is, it was gorgeous out today, so I got to wear my sandals.  The bad news is, my sandals make my big toes hurt.  :( 

I guess that's all I got for now.  Must sleep.


BaileyRaine said...

I totally agree with Magnum. You love the chase, not the capture.

Rumor said...

Yeah, well apparently the girl agrees. Grrrrr.