Friday, July 30, 2010


So, as you know, I've been going back and forth about what to do when JDRW wanders off to kindergarten.  I mean, after all the crying & sobbing & running after his bus screeching "BRING MY BABY BACK!!!!". 

Well, I try to be one of those people that think things will happen as they should as long as you are following a positive path.  I mailed off two resumes to schools (one for a teacher's assistant & one a teacher's aide) and two days later I got a call from a woman looking for my services.  I haven't advertised for new client in over 2 years.  She said she found my number on a website.  She's coming to visit me next month.  So, I think, there it is.  That's the answer to whether I continue to do what I'm doing or move on.  Plus, in the fall it'll be a fresh group of clients and no it'll be different. 

Then there's the matter of the current client who NEVER pays on time, is always late, asks for special "privledges" without extra compensation, and the work I do for her takes about 10 times the energy it would take to do the same work for a client who pays on time, is never late and who doesn't always ask for little extras.  So,  my thoughts are I should get new clients, and "fire" her.  The best part about that concept, to me, is that she will realize then, how good she had it with me.  I guarantee she will not find anyone else who will do for her what I've done.  I honestly can't imagine anyone else putting up with her and her spawn.  (Is that mean?)

We shall see.

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