Do we all get these feelings of unrest? I hate it.
In other news...according to the hpt I did earlier today, I am not pregnant. I didn't really think I was, but it was worth being sure of. So, I'm a fat ass just because I'm a fat ass. Grrr. There's gotta be a cause, and no it isn't the donut I ate for breakfast. It happened really fast. But, still, I guess I'll eat fewer donuts and more carrots or something. O, well, it was bound to happen given my genes.
I also have to find a doctor.
Teenager 1 broke up with her boyfriend today. My heart aches for the poor kid. No, not for Teenager 1, but for the boy who's heart she just crushed. Really. I hate it.
See, now I'm all icky just from talking about the kid.
O, I have one of those fancy comparison things: what's the word??? Anyway, last night Magnum and I were out back and I walked over and was looking at my garden (Which consists of a little square, very nicely mulched, plot of 4 tomato plants, with two pepper plants off to the side). So, anyway, Magnum mows around it when he mows, but he can't get real close, so there's tall grass growing around the little square. Anyway, we go out last night, and I am sooooo excited because one of my plants has a tomato on it that will be perfect for eating in the next few days. I notice that I have fruitful tomato plants with loads of tomatoes on them. Magnum notices the weeds. I'm just about jumping up and down because of my red tomato, and he says "Mama, you need to get to weedin'" Dude. I seriously don't even notice the weeds. The tomato plants are thriving, I'm gonna have a crazy load of tomatoes in a few weeks, why even notice the weeds? So, the point is, Magnum and I just see things differently. I see the plants, he sees the weeds. I see the positive, he sees the negative.
But, overall, we've been getting along well. :) Every stinkin' time I say that, we end up in a fight...blah blah blah.
O, and, I'm ready for fall now. Summer can be over. I know, I whine about wanting summer, and now I want fall. But it is the best season!
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