Thursday, July 29, 2010


We have a new pet.  Like we need another one of those, right?  It was originally snake food, but the snake seems to be a lil under the weather, so he wouldn't eat it.  Which left this adorable little white mouse without a home, or death.  So, now he's a part of our ever growing family.  JDRW named him (which is actually a her but he cried when he found out it was a her because he wanted a him, so I told him, oh yeah, it IS a boy after all) Travis.  Travis??  Where does he come up with these names?  O, and I read that mice need a friend.  That they don't do so well alone.  So, does that mean we have to get another mouse?  And it has to be two girls because two boys will fight and a boy and a girl will make more mice and we soooo don't need that.

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