Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I decided today that I was going to figure out how to winter my turkeys because I love them.  I was ready to do whatever it takes to get them through.

I love them.  I love how they follow me to the bus, to greet JDRW.  I love it that they follow me to the mailbox.  I love how they waddle when they walk...they look just like little mini dinosaurs.  I love it that I know all of their personalities so well.


As it turns out...I'll be saying good-bye to them soon.

During my research, I discovered that the Broad Breasted White turkey's were created for meat.  They are meant to be eaten.  They can't reproduce because their breasts are too big and their legs are too short (Haha, I know a few girls like that.).  Anyway, because of their size, if you don't use them for food, they will die (some as early as 10 months old) because their hearts and skeletons aren't strong enough to support their fat asses.

Leave it to me to fall in love with something that's doomed from creation.

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