Tuesday, November 30, 2010


It was driving me nuts having 14 followers.  I mean, I was happy to have 14 followers, but I'm a numbers person, and 14 wasn't really doing it for me.  Now when I log on, I see "15 Followers" and it makes me happy. 

I just spent a few minutes reading through other peoples blogs, and...wait I totally just lost my thought because the dog fell off of the bed...oh, yeah...and people all seem so busy.  And I realized, I love to be busy.  I thrive at busy.  And, I'm not busy.  At all.  I'm laying around doing not much of anything these days.  I don't like it.

I've applied to a few different places for jobs.  Yesterday I sent in a resume for my favorite option so far.  I want to cross my fingers and toes and pray to a god I don't believe in...whatever I need to do to get the job.  However, I'm also a firm believer in "If I'm supposed to get it, I will."   I'm really excited about a job outside of my home.  Of course, I'm sure I'll change my mind about that after I've spent a few weeks "out".  But for now, the excitement is nice.  And surprisingly, for me, I'm excited about getting dressed up in fancy office attire and ugly shoes and looking professional.  I've never been excited about that sort of thing before.  As a matter of fact, it was one of the things I loathed about professionalness.  Now, I'm so excited!!!

Oh,  and in case anyone was wondering...I dropped my classes.  Apparently, fall spins me out of control, and I just couldn't seem to regain control in time to save my ass in my classes.  It pisses me off, while at the same time I know that it was something that really couldn't be avoided.  Hopefully, I'll get back in in the spring. 

Is there more I need to say right now?  I really probably need a list.  Lists give me hope.  But right now, my feet are cold, I have to pee, and it's nap time.  The list will wait.

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