Saturday, November 20, 2010


As anyone who knows me knows, my mother and I aren't best friends.  We never have been.  When I was little, if she liked something, I liked the opposite of something.  I don't know if it was intentional, or just a difference in personality, but we've just never been "that" kinda mother & daughter.

But I gotta tell you, during this time of year, I miss her.  I miss my whole family really badly.  I'm to the point where I just don't even enjoy the holidays, because my family isn't with me.

So the point is, I teared up in the baking aisle at the grocery store today because I saw cherry pie filling.  See, my mother and I were never best friends, and we had opposite tastes, so every year, she and my grandma would bake pies.  Chocolate, Lemon, Pumpkin, Pecan...none of which were high on my likeability list.  So, one year, in my early 20's, my mother started making me my very own Cherry Pie.  It was sooo good.  She didn't just open a can off filling and pour it into a crust.  She made it from scratch.

And I miss it.

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