Thursday, November 18, 2010


Warning:  I may ramble.

I am bored with life.  OMG.  I'm just so bored.  It's being here in NY.  I need to get out more and meet people.  I hate it that for Thanksgiving, no one will be here.  Granted we go elsewhere for dinner, but it's soooo NY.  And when dinner's over, we go home...blah blah blah.  In my family, you stay FOREVER at dinner, it's loud and crowded and people are grabbing food and gabbing away and kids are running around and there's this whole chaos thing...and it's awesome.  And then, after we stay at whoever's hosting, we leave and meet up at someone elses house for games and playing & singing songs.  It's just such a jovial time.  Here, it's like, "please pass the turkey.  O, this turkey is so delicious."  No chaos.  No crazies.  I miss the fucking crazies.  Then, the day after thanksgiving my family has this huge fundraiser, and I've never gotten to go.  Sucks balls.  This year my brother is putting on a little mini concert and I sooo wish I could be there to see it.

And, decorating the house just seems  Like, sure, it needs to be cute for us, but NO ONE ever comes over.  No one will be here for Christmas.  We'll sit around, be lazy.  There's no craziness.  There's no grandma burning candied yams, there's no smoke filled kitchen, there's no laughter, there's no cousins chasing each other through the house with their shiny new toys. 


Here we have family we NEVER see.  Grandkids we never see.  A daughter we never see.  A brother we never see.  They are all so fucking mean and selfish around here, that no one gets together to celebrate anything. 

I should be excited right now.  I should be cleaning and organizing for putting up the tree.  But, I have no motivation.

There ya go, rant all done.

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