Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Fucking "A" months kick my ass when it comes to being girl crazy.  Or sex crazy.  Or something.  Because OMG.  It's so bad.  April & August.  Thank fuck there are only 2.

Skye is out of the picture fault for not jumping on that when I had the chance...but the timing just wasn't right.  I hope she and I can still hang out.  Just hanging out with her should be enough to quench a tiny bit of the thirst.  She has a new girl who seems pretty cool...but again...these girls move to fast for me because she's already living with Skye.  The other girl just moved out in March, right?

Then I saw a girl in WalMart yesterday and I swear I wanted to freaking drag her to my car and bring her home with me.  She was just so...cute.  Adorable.  I figured since she was at the pharmacy she must have been sick and I just wanted to hold her and make her soup and cuddle with her.  And I don't even know the girl!  Of course, I found out about her as soon as I could because whatdayaknow lesbians do all know each other and Skye knows her.  She only told me the girls first name...not that it matters really because as Magnum likes to say, what would I do with her if I got her?  :)

And, for which I'm sure I'll get in trouble, a long lost friend has reconnected with me via facebook...and he is beautiful.  If I had to build a man that was the most edible man to me, right now, it would look just like him.  OMG.  I have a taste, lately, for men of a darker shade-it's kinda new for me.  I was always a redneck lovin' kinda girl but these dark men with brilliant blue eyes...fortheloveofgod...gulp.

And, finally, I think I have a date?  I met the person as a girl a few years back, but I guess she's transitioned to a he.  Either way, he's fine.  Fine.  We have plans to go to the drive in.  Something I would have probably said no to if it were anyone else.  But he said we could snuggle up in the back of his truck.  And when I told him I get really cold, he said he'd keep me warm.  Tingle.  And, I've already asked Magnum how this person factors into the open relationship thing.  Because I only date girls.  He and I both knew him when he was a girl.  So...I guess we'll see how Magnum feels when I come home all aglow & aflutter.

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