I'm going along, working through all of this lie/trust/bunchacrap stuff, and today, really, for the first time I started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
I let Magnum sleep in my new king size bed last night. I didn't even know he was there until this morning. But that's not the point...
The point is, today, I felt good. I told Magnum I was ready to decorate for Halloween. I've been energetic and cleaning and being...happy. Wow.
But wouldn't you know, like a recurring nightmare, Magnum just tagged me and said SHE called him today to tell him that her grandma was in the hospital.
My first thought is, WHO THE FUCK CARES? I know, it sounds mean, and I know Magnum likes the grandma a lot...but really?? Why does my husband need to know this?
Any excuse to call or text or meet him...she'll come up with something for the rest of her life...
It's infuriating.
The only good part for me is this. I've decided if Magnum insists on having a "relationship" with her, then I'm not going to limit my relationship with certain people. And, that, makes me happy.
And, on that note. This makes me happy:
FRIEND: (4:18:30 PM): Oragami?
ME: (4:19:58 PM): folded up and just pretend?
FRIEND: (4:22:42 PM): Burn burn like wicker cabinet?
Is it weird that that simple little exchange makes me smile?
Demented as the motives in your head....
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