I'm not sure how I ended up being me.
Let me splain...
I am addicted to Facebook. And, over the past few months it seems as though there's been this surge of my family members and friends joining.
And, I am, sooooo not a Christian. And they sooooo are! I mean, fanatical Jesus freaks!
Don't get me wrong, I think everyone is entitled to believe whatever they choose...
But, sometimes I don't think it's a choice, so much as a "myth" that's been told over and over and over again so that people don't choose, they just follow blindly.
These people actually BELIEVE this stuff?
I know it's a touchy subject.
I believe in Jesus. I think he was the most brilliant man who ever walked the face of the earth. I don't know that I believe he was created because a god decided to impregnate his mother so that 30 years down the road some assholes could nail him to a board, and in that he would, "die for our sins". Holy crap! Really?
Back to the point...
My family, on my father & my mother's side are religious. Every day they post something new about God and his blessings and miracles. I guess if that works for them...why should I complain?
This is why I complain...because today a cousin of mine posted a picture of a baby who had supposedly been aborted. (It was some sort of anti abortion campaign poster.)
I will never understand this practice. Christians posting pics of dead bloody babies? What's the point? I just don't get it.
I don't think that abortion should be a means of birth control. I mean, if you are out carelessly and irresponsibly screwing and you get pregnant, shame on you. But I also don't think, that a baby should be born to a person/people who don't want them and who will just abandon or abuse them.
I know...it's one of those debates that the general public will never see eye to eye on...but I just don't think we need these graphic pics to make a point.
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