Thursday, August 5, 2010


Ok, so...I haven't been putting much into my blogs because for some reason, I think I'm being cautious about what I write.  When the fuck did I start to care about what people might think when reading my stuff?  I mean, come on.

That having been said...

I am bored.  Really.  Understimulated.  Beige, blah, benign. 

And, I feel, once again, like I'm being held back.  Swimming upstream.  Walking around in concrete shoes.  Talking with taffy in my mouth.  Stuck in reverse, or at best, in neutral.  Sometimes, I might even get to 3rd or 4th gear, but that never lasts and the brakes are slammed on. 


I need a vacation.  Alone.  Just me.  Somewhere that I don't have to clean or cook or take care of anyone but me.  Because I'm responsible (around here) for everything.  And, I need a break.

I really wanna go home.  There's a comfort there that I can't get anywhere else. 

But maybe just a "me" vacation would at least give me a refreshing break and maybe I could come back with some new perspective.

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