Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Ok, so, here I go again with a new "effort"...a pledge of sorts...a list of things I'm going to try to accomplish over the next 4 months. 

1.  I'm gonna be nicer to women.  (Hehe, not like that!)  Women are just kinda cunty in general.  We all want the gossip on each other, and we all want to be better than the other, and I'd really like to see more support within this area of my life.  (WTF is wrong with me?  I'm fucking getting old, huh?)  But for real, I'm going to try to be more supportive and understanding of women in my life & in general.  I used to say "If I don't want to fuck 'em, I hate 'em."  Not anymore by gosh! 
2.  I just want to be nicer in general.  I go through these phases where I'm just negative all of the time.  I blame it on the company I'm currently keeping because he's a fucking miserable crabass all of the fucking time and it's gotten to the point where I'm about this - close to telling him to get a better attitude or fuck off.  So, if my attitude is better, then maybe his will be.  And if my attitude is better, and his isn't, then I won't feel as bad when I tell him to go fuck himself.  :)
3.  I have GOT get some organization in my life.
4.  I have GOT to get in better shape.  (Notice I didn't say in shape...I said in better shape!)  :)
5.  I am seriously going to catch up on my past due bills.  My own personal ones...I'm all good with the household & family stuff...but my personal stuff, needs to be taken care of.  And it's totally not even that much!
6.  Volunteer.  Donate.  All of that good stuff. 

And, that's all I have for now.  :)  (Me, stop a list at #6?  I must be ill.)

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