Thursday, August 26, 2010


So, I've gone back and forth, back and forth, on what the next step is in my life...and I have decided.  Keep doing what I'm doing, and go to school.

This sounds like any ol' other "idea" I've had, but this time, I'm gonna make what I'm doing "official".  It's a pain in the ass...but I need to do it.  It makes sense...but it is a lot of work.  But, by going official, it will mean more opportunities & a better income which will provide a better life for my family.  So, I'm gonna do it.  It makes me nervous, but I know I can do it. 

This also means, I'm gonna make this blog private.  Not that it's a problem really...but I just don't want my clients to stumble upon my blog about my private life.  I mean, I try to remain anonymous...but we all know that one can never truly remain anonymous...if someone wants the dirt, they'll find it.  (Not that there's "dirt" really...but you know what I mean.)

So, hopefully, soon, I'll be all official and stuff. (I'm having problems spelling official....must spell check.)

O, and Teenager 1 wants to be home schooled.  I can do that...right?

WOTD:  Official    (in the adjective form).

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