Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So, I have turkeys.  We know this, but in case you don't...

Magnum told me his brother (whom I have a huge crush on-not that that's relevant?) was getting turkeys & did we want some?  So I'm all excited because we are getting pets.  Magnum & I had a different idea of what the turkeys would be used for.  I thought pets, he thought food, I cried.  Seriously.  Cried hard.  Over fucking baby turkeys (called poults when they are wee ones, btw).  So, after much crying we aren't going to eat turkeys.  His brother will eat his.  And guess who's house we go to for Thanksgiving every year?  And guess who's bringing pizza or something to eat to thanksgiving this year.

Anyway...the whole point is...my turkeys have personality.  For real.  We named them all before we knew who were boys or who were girls. 

There's Penelope...Penny for short.  She's a he.  :)  Anyway, he's the big one of the group...the bad ass.  The dogs come after them, and Penny puffs up and her whole head turns bright read and she does this spitting kinda noise.  It's a pretty awesome display.  AND, she loves the color green.  I know there are those who think I'm crazy (so tomorrow I'm going to make a video of it)...but if you hold up two things in front of Penny, one any color and one green, she will always pick the green.  Magnum used to wear a green bracelet...Penny always pecked at it.  Yesterday she pecked it right off of his arm and tried to swallow it.  Today, Teenager 1 made a card and brought it outside to show me...and it had a green ribbon on it...Penny about took her arm off.

Then there's Gus.  Gus is the smallest and he's a she.  She's the escape artist.  Every morning, she is out of their enclosure.  It's so funny.  I'll go out into their room, and I'll look over the little dividing wall...and I'll see 3 of them and out of the corner of my eye I'll see movement and somewhere in the room Gus will be perched.  :)

Then we have Grady.  He's a he,  and he is soooo damn funny to me because is a chicken.  And, not so smart (even by turkey standards).  He gets lost from the rest of them.  And there's a call they do when they get lost.  And when we hear a turkey making that call we know it's Grady.  Plus, sometimes, they get up on the enclosed porch, where they aren't supposed to be...and the others all figure out how to get out, but not Grady.  He'll just stand there and make the call until someone shows him how to get out.  And on more than one occasion he's climbed into the dog kennell, and can't figure out how to get out.  Today, when I was letting them outside, he couldn't figure out how to go out the door of the room.  Oh, and there was a confrontation between them and the dogs today...and we went out and noticed that Penny was a little roughed up from wrestling with the dog...and there were only 3 turkeys.  15 minutes later we find the missing Grady...hiding in the bushes clear across the yard.  I didn't see it happen but I can imagine the dog comes over, Penny & the dog start to "argue" and Grady sees this and he's like FUCK this I'm outta here.  (And, if you don't know...turkeys can RUN!)

And, finally, there's Glory.  She's a she.  She's the gentle one.  She's just kinda there.  She hasn't shown any crazy character traits yet...but I'm sure she will.

So, which one would you eat???  I mean, yes, in a survival situation I could nom nom nom on any one of them.  But, I mean, I could not eat any of them...I love them.  :)


KJ said...

Your poor turkeys! Naming a 'he' Penelope...he must have issues, surely? lolz

Hey, do you ever go, "Gobble, gobble, gobble" and then they all do it?!
I've done it...I'm easily amused. ;o)

PS- for the record, I hate turkey. To eat I mean....

Rumor said...

No wonder Penny has to be the tough one, with a name like that, right?

They come when you call them, just like any other pet. And, yes, there are "calls" that you can make and they will respond. :) I have been known to make barking noises, just so Penny will puff up. :)

Rumor said...

And, yeah, Turkey was never my favorite food to eat either, so I'm not going to miss it.