Monday, August 30, 2010


First, this has to be said...this is my 500th post.  I'm kinda proud of that.  I don't stick with things.  I get bored.  But, whatdyaknow?  I like writing.  Mostly about myself.  I've stuck with it.  500 times.  :)  Yay for me.

And, in this 500th post, I have exciting news.  :)  An opportunity has presented itself to me.  And, I am sooooo damn excited. 

We all know I love the power of positive thought.  I don't always USE the power, but I fully believe it is there.  And I believe that if your heart is true and your mind is in the right place, you'll find the answers.  (I think it's my own little form of Taoism?) 

I've been struggling.  Literally struggling...losing sleep...over what to do with my life.  I go round and round.  A few months back, I thought I'd decided.  And, then I changed.  Laddddyyy laddyyyy lah. 

So, the point is, out of the blue, I get a call from someone today, making me an offer.  I.  AM.  EXCITED.

It's WAY out of my comfort zone.  It's not something I have EVER done before.  I'm a lil nervous, but so very excited.

My last post was about how I wanted to Quit, and how I can't.  Then I get this new opportunity's just's the word????    Is it sychronicity??  

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