Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's crazy how I can't write when I'm crabby.  I don't even know why I'm crabby today.  I woke up crabby. 

I'm tired of two year olds who still put EVERYTHING in their mouths.  I'm tired of snotty runny nosed kids who lick their snot (I mean REALLY??).  I'm tired of parents who can't wash their kids faces before bringing them into public.  I'm tired of not being appreciated.  Oh, and, I'm tired.  I'm tired of applying for jobs and not hearing back.  I'm tired of washing dishes.  I'm tired of cooking dinner.  I'm tired of taking care of everyone else, while no one takes care of me.  I'm tired of things being harder than they have to be.  I'm tired of money.  Things have to get better, right?


Pearl said...

Good God. :-) Glad to hear this. Not that I'm enjoying how tired you are of things, but I just finished writing tomorrow's blog about how tired I was of something.

Must be something in the air!


Rumor said...


I just peeked at your blog. Funny stuff over there. I'm following.
