Thursday, June 2, 2011


I think something major happened yesterday.  Well, I know something major happened.  Now I'm just waiting to see how it unravels...or is it unfolds? 

In other news...

JDRW asked if we could go to the movies on Tuesday night.  I said, No baby, but we can go tomorrow night.  You know how you can say shit like that to some kids, and they never mention it again?  Yeah, JDRW is not one of those kids.  Wednesday morning he tells Magnum we are going to the movies.  Ha.  So, all that to say, we let him chose the movie and he chose Thor.  I had very little interest in seeing Thor.  However, that's what the kid chose.  And it was an excellent movie!  I'm definitely a fan of that big ol' sexy man who played Thor.  Damn.  He's breathtaking.

And, I can't write well right now because my laptop battery is running low and I'm so stressed because I'm afraid that at any minute it'll say it's shutting down.  So, more later maybe.  I just wanted to get this out there because I'm on the blogroll for June.

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