Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I get to go on a little mini vacation courtesy of work.  I'm really kinda excited.  Granted, there's not going to be much play time because of meetings...but it'll be nice to just get outta town.  Magnum & JDRW are going with me, which I originally thought about NOT taking them, but then Magnum told me he took vacation days to go...and well...at least now I don't have to drive.  Here's my agenda, which is almost humorous to those who don't know what I do for a living: 

Conference Agenda:
Thursday June 9th, 2011:
8:00am-8:40am Registration
8:45 Opening Remarks
9:00-9:45 Renter’s Insurance
9:45-10:45 Hoarding
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Bed Bugs
12:00-1:30 Lunch – Keynote Speaker – Ken Harris Linda Hosmer Award
1:30-2:30 Legal Services for the Elderly
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-3:45 Veteran Benefits –Unraveling the Healthcare System
3:45-4:45 Regional Roundup
4:45-5:00 Wrap up/raffles

Conference Agenda:
Friday June 10th, 2011:
8:45am Opening Remarks/Election Results
9:15-10:15 Mediation
10:15-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Social Security – What is SSI?
11:45-1:00 Lunch & Closing Entertainment
And, in other news....

I'm in a child support battle with my ex husband, who we can call LittleDick, and he owes me over 20,000 dollars.  So, he's been to court twice.  Once he had the court date pushed back.  Then when he came back to court the next month, he offered...wait for it...drumroll please...$1300.  Ha.  When the guy from court told me that yesterday, he even snickered.  I said to the guy, "Now, you see what I'm dealing with."  So, the point is, LittleDick has to go to court this month, on the 20th.  If he doesn't settle things then, and I think we all know he won't, then I will be expected to appear in July.  In Illinois.  :)  Sucks to have to go to court, but I really won't mind a quick little visit to Illinois.

Also, I've been watching Cardinals baseball this week.  And you have to admit, .Albert Pujols is freaking awesome.  Just sayin'.

And that's all I got for now kiddos.  Adios

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