Yes, I read your blog. Get over it. You have a blog. It's public. People read it. I don't understand people writing a blog, pouring all of their drama into it, and then whining because people read it? Get over yourself already.
:) There's my rant for the day.
So, urgent care. Pfffttt. I went. He said I most likely didn't have an infection, but gave me the antibiotic anyway...and said if I didn't clear up in the next few days to take the antibiotic. I know, if it's not a bacterical infection, an antibiotic won't help. Except, I know my head, and I've had sinus infections before...and blah blah blah, I'm taking the antibiotic. Now, here's the extra fun parts. The first thing the nurse asks me is what my number my pain is from 1-10. Then, the doctor examines me (barely) and the nurse comes back to discharge me, and says, what's your pain now? Um, dude. Your doctor isn't Jesus. He didn't lay his hands on me and I'm healed. You didn't give me anything for the pain, therefore the pain is still the same. Uh, huh. And, oddly enough, my blood pressure was 140/101. My blood pressure has NEVER been anywhere close to that high...ever. So, she says "your pressure usually run high?" and I say, "Nope, never. As a matter of fact, my blood pressure is usually too low." So she checks it again and it's like 137/101. She goes, "o, well, that's probably just because your nervous about being here." WHAT? So, I come in with a severe headache, and my blood pressure is through the roof, don't look into that?
Now, that having all been said, the whole point of the visit was because I am between doctors, and I wanted antibiotics for my infection. I was happy to be in & out of there in 45 minutes.
But, if I end up having a freakin' stroke, someone please please please sue the pants off of Saratoga Hospital. (Yeah, I know, I shouldn't go there because I hate them...but they were convenient. I know, if convenient = death then it's not so convenient...yeah yeah yeah. I'm whining about something that I alone had control over and I made a bad decision...keep the comments...I got it.)
So, my head is better. Still not 100%, but it doesn't hurt to breathe.
And, there's more...but my battery is low...and it's lunch time. Adios.
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