Friday, April 30, 2010


Dear Wicked Cute Girl That Works At Taco Bell In Amsterdam,

Dammmmmiiiittttt.  That was the best thing I've seen lately. 


So we go to taco bell, and I'm kinda oblivious to what's going on around me...and we order and then when I go back up to get my food...holy crap...there's this outrageously cute girl handing me my food.  I'm pretty sure my whole expression when from "Imcrabbyihavecrampsdonttalktome to How You Doin' in about half a second. 

Then she's wiping down tables...and Magnum was talking to me.  I hope there isn't gonna be a quiz later on what we talked about.  :) 

So, we go shopping later...and Magnum says..."there's your girl" and I look and there she is walking along so I just have to cross her path...and I say...are you following me? and she smiles and says maybe you're following me...and I smiled at her and say...maybe.  :)  And off we went in our own directions.  Magnum said she was smiling and blushing like crazy.

Fun times in Amsterdam baby.  I'm already craving a taco.  (Keep your taco comments to yourselves, please.  Thanks.)  :)

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