Saturday, May 1, 2010


I've been up since about 5:30 this morning.  On a Saturday.  What?? 

The best part is...I'm not crabby.  I'm happy.  Go me.

It's opening day of Turkey Hunting Season...Magnum got up, left, 20 minutes later I hear the shot, and he's back with a turkey.  His very first.  :)

Here's where the laughter comes in.

While he's out doing his turkey work, I just browse through blogs.  Most of them I click right through...because most of them start off with pictures of this perfect little family and the narrative is something along the lines of  "our perfect little family:  Spencer, Julie, Olivia, & Micah"...with endless renderings of baby vomit and potty training and their perfect little lives together.  People are so damn fake.  :) 

Anyway...where was I?  Oh yeah, the laughter.  I'm browsing through...and a blog catches my interest...and I read...and about 5 minutes in there's this video.  And the caption says something along the lines of WTF is it?  Someone Kill It. 

Fuck me.  I have been laughing for an hour.  The video is funny and a wee bit disturbing and probably I shouldn't be laughing at such a thing.  But the video, with the girls WTF is it? comments make me laugh so hard I can't breathe. 

And, I won't even repost the video because I shouldn't be laughing at it. 

But dammit....funnnnnyyyyyy.

Now, it's off to get some apple cider donuts and head on over to the farmers market.  It's opening day!!!  Whoot!  I'm cited!

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