Monday, June 14, 2010


I think it's hysterical how much I fall for people, only to unfall for them a few months later.  I think I tend to be attracted to people quickly...but then they flake out or I get bored.  Or is flaking out and getting bored the same thing?

My life as of right now isn't very passionate.  I miss it.  (And I don't mean passionate as in love, I just mean I am not currently feeling very passionate about anything, which is kinda unusual for me.)

According to the scale, I've gained 4 pounds.  Which I'm cool with.  What I'm not cool with, is the change in the way my jeans feel.  They are wicked tight around the waste and upper thighs.  WTF?  It just feels odd.  I dunno.

Once again, I'm getting a handle on my finances.  This, as you know, is not an easy thing for me.  But, I am determined.  I just can't stand being so bad with them and then feeling so guilty about it.  I've had this journal laying around that I've never used so today I made it my financial journal where hopefully I can keep track of things. 

My etsy shop now has 15 items.  It's kinda hard to put your stuff out there for everyone to look at and then when it's been weeks and you still haven't sold anything you start to doubt yourself.  I know it'll pick up in time, but still I will be SOOO excited about my first sale.

Go on over & make my day by purchasing something.  I'll give you free shipping if you do.  <3

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