Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm kinda sad, and really I don't even know why. 

It's just been a not very fun day.

We went to a bbq, and the owners had 2 dogs.  One of which, ate a bowl of chips off of the table.  In my opinion, from that point on the dog should have been crated or put somewhere where he couldn't get to the food.  But, no.  For the rest of the day, the dog continued to eat food from the tables.  Every chance it got.  And, it didn't care if the food was on a plate in your lap it would jump up and eat your food.  I made a plate, turned to get my drink, and boom, the fucker was eating off of my plate.   And, when I say every chance, I mean, EVERY.  And, so for 5 hours, everyone had to literally fight off the dog.  Put the fucking dog away people.  I mean, come on.  It was a very unpleasant experience. 

And, now, I'm going to bed to dream of a brighter tomorrow.

PS.  I miss Ney.

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